am i taking this a bit too far?

Here I am, sitting alone,
trying to write you a poem,
but im no poet.
I don’t want to take this too far,
but you’ve got to understand my enthusiasm,
all the others have said no.
one whole week, couldn’t move as slow,
but I just want to spend it with you.
Not that that will matter,
we wont be making out* at the dance.
I doubt youll fall for me after a night,
but we'll have to see.
Well my confusion never seizes,
And my frustration fails to end,
But put that aside, cause I can call you friend
and friends isn’t bad,
but cant we see how we do,
I mean as a thing, as in me and you?
♠ ♠ ♠
well, i know you'll never read this, not untill after the dance, i am honest, i will not cahnge it for you. please dont frett after reading this, i beg of you