Life from an Angels Breath

The weight of the world is on your shoulders,
You hold much more than any man could bear,
People may see bravery in the form of soldiers,
But your strength is hardly there.

You have seen death through your blue eyes,
Something I shan’t wish upon my greatest foe,
It’s a fear any man wouldn’t hesitate to disguise,
Yet the pressure on your life continues to grow.

People automatically look past you as they walk by,
Another bystander, another victim to this distress,
Yet, to know you, many people are seen as too shy,
No one is easily dignified, no one is easily impressed.

For you to be able to place a smile upon your face,
There must be an angel’s breath being poured into you,
When I see you, I do not show any signs of disgrace,
Because I believe that there is nothing that you can’t do.