Trapped In The Past

I’m trapped in a box
In the dark, alone
I shout, but no one hears
As if nobody else exists
I try to runaway
But the exit is always closed
I try to wake up from this nightmare
But I just don’t have a clue
The walls are pictures of my childhood
And the floor looks like a broken heart
Whatever I do, wherever I go
I find myself surrounded by my past
I call for help, but no one hears
I feel ignored by everyone around
I am stuck in a world of memories
Dark, painful ones
This picture is of my love
The one who left me without even saying why
And this of the day my dad left us
Right after my grandpa died
I try to find a happy thought
That would make me fly like peter pan
Or maybe cry some more
Until the fairies guide me through my way
This time I tried hard
To get out of this world I’m stuck in
But suddenly I find that
I’m the only one to blame
I walked out of life
And trapped myself in the past
And let go of all my dreams
And pushed my friends away
Maybe I was right then
But tears got me to nowhere
and my life that I left behind
is more worthy than the dull past
I discovered that it was me
The one who trapped myself in here
So it’s only me who can
Get my life back again
The black exit was now full of light
And I can hear my mom calling my name
Even my old friends were there
Everyone looking at me with care
I looked at them and smiled
Just happy to return to them again
I looked at my cut wrist, all covered with blood
And laughed at how foolish I am