
I lay awake in my bed
With thoughts roaming through my head
What to say? which path to choose?
I don’t think I have a clue
The wrong seems right to me
Like a million faces blurring at once
And the things that once brought me all the cheer
Now seem to be ruining my life
The answers to my questions
Are lying infront of me
But as I get closer they seem to walk away
Leaving me just a hollow soul
How much did I fight?
Which wrong turn did I take?
And all the things I achieved
Were for who’s sake?
My smile is just a fake
To hide the tears I’m shedding inside
Who do I ask? What to blame?
The circumstances, or my own heart
Baby, why did you leave me?
Why did you walk away
And now that I’m alone again
Confusion seems to be the only thing to stay