Let me Drown. so i can breathe again

Let Me Drown (So i can Breath Again)

The past few days ive come to realize
Ive taken all of you for granted
And that putting my mind on a blank page was a bad idea
We've all done somthing we regret
We've all done somthing we want to forget...

Once upon a time
All these love songs had meaning
Recently ive never felt more alone
And i can't breath again
Ive been choaking and suffacating on these emotions
Trying to figure out what is happening

Ive been sleeping with my eyes open
I can't read beyond the bold print
If this was part of the contract
I guess i missed that
Its my birthday
But i feel so disapointed
I brought this upon myself didn't I?

So let me drown so i can breathe again
Because i stopped caring
No matter what you say to me
No matter how much you yell at me
It won't do you any good
Because i stop trying to impress you
I stopped caring what how to act
So spill your guts
Spill your guts again

I tried
But it was all for nothing,
Because you won't listen...
No matter what i say
Its sadder than the sadest movie...
But i stopped caring,So i stop watching
I gave up on trying to fix the T.V

So let me drown so i can breathe again
And all songs that make me happy
Got deleted,i can't find them
All the love songs you and i shared
Have currently lost all meaning
But the play count has surpast 300.
So ive decided
Ive Concluded

Spill your guts
Spill your guts again