
Always ripe
Plenty delicious
Perfect flavor
Lousy seasons for growing
Eating them makes me happy
Succulent in flavor

Bad for throwing
And great for eating
Never eat all their pies
Avocados are great too
No sir, you may not have the ripest one
Another yummy treat
Say "Yum! I love bananas!"

Kate loves them!
Icky! A sour one!
Wash your hands before you eat!
Is it just me, or are these fruit getting tastier?
So how about one more?

They are indeed fruits
Oh my gosh, this is delicious!
Many more for people who love them
Ah, this hits the spot
Too full!
Osmosis doesn't do a thing on these guys
Emilise284 wrote this poem!
Sour? Never!
♠ ♠ ♠
My first poem! You like, no?