It's Not Over

You couldn’t take it anymore
The beatings
The Lies
The pain

It was all too much
You didn’t know what to do
So you did the one thing you could
You went to the cliff

You thought about all your friends
Fake. Filled with lies
You thought about your family
No love. Just hate and pain

You took a deep breath
As tears spilled over
You looked over your shoulder
And there he was

The love of your life
Here to stop you
But it was too late
You already decided

“I’m Sorry.” You whisper
Then you jump
He jumps too
And embraces you while falling

“A life without you is no life at all.”
He whispers in your ear
Your lips touch his
And then

You impact
With no time to scream
Body parts all over the place
But two spirits going to heaven