Stuck In Staccato

You tumble up and down, flailing arms and thrashing legs
{as though straining to catch mercy}

You topple from airless heights and stagger from lousy caverns
{never content}

You have a clear voice that captures attention
{your best attribute}

Every muttered curse seems as lilting sonnet
{however far from poetry it may be}

With a single word, you cast, lure, and catch
{your fish never are as brilliant as they first seem}

Your eyes are sharp
{as a grappling hook}

You move fast
{as though on the run}

You search with thickened, graceless fingers
{clumsy from cold}

You go in deep
{you were good at that}

But come up empty
{it’s not as though you wanted them anyway}

You need no shadow
{though there were many volunteers}

Clipped though you are
Choppy though you live
You seem to survive
{though sometimes just surviving isn’t enough}

Your notes are bright, but your key is haunting
Stuck, stuck,
Stuck in staccato.