Now Your Gone...

I love to hold you.
Kiss you.
Love you.
But now your gone...
I'm begging you...
Come back to me...
You say you love me..
And i tell you the same...
But that wont make you come back to me...
The drugs...
The drugs are what make you come back.
The high you get from him...
when he gives you those drugs love your happy.
But when you are sober you are not.
You tell me I am your other drug...
Other than the grass I am your other high...
Come back to me love...
I miss you...
I want to hug and kiss you...
i will do anything... just to have you back...
But now your gone...
Thousands of miles away...
Taking care of her and that devil child of yours.
That child that I doubt is even yours...
Its horrible that I think someone like her should just...
I dont understand ...
How i could want to kill someone so bad...
someone i have never met.
But its her...
she is the reason you are leaving me...
She threatened to have you locked away...
Because of this poor child she is apparently having...
Just promise me one thing love...
Never forget Me...
Never forget those two nights in which we layed...
Never forget the way i kiss you...
the way I tell you I love you...
Those are things I will never forget about you love.
Just please...
Promise me...
You will never forget.
♠ ♠ ♠
For my Mark,.. He is moving back to Wyoming to be with his SKANK of an ex because she is claiming to be pregnant with his kid... and I still love him so much...