My delight!

My delight
by Nerianne D. Congjuico

“Pavlova”, a creamy meringue cake that delightfully melts even on the lips
Add in “Chocolate syrup” as the happiness and cream of a total eclipse
As the situation heats up, fluff up a simple recipe for “Ice Cream”
One lusciously adored “Fruit Parfait” made with love to the extreme

When everyone misunderstands, give them a basic “Pudding”
May it look as simple as “Fondue”, its making is truly baffling
Feeling jelly towards one another? Treat yourselves to a nice “Panna Cotta”
Skin similar to “Crème Patissierie”, with a taste sensational as “Tapioca”

Emotions felt in life, all are inspirations to each baking treat
All takes pleasure in things like these, things that make life bittersweet
My life with friends, with family, with baking combined with heat
Though not very grand, I often think of this balance somewhat elite
♠ ♠ ♠
Warning: I'm no good at poems... -_-

This time i compared food with life~ 8D I'm not even sure if all this is accurate... but whatever, no one would notice anyway~ ^^

And PLEASE don't expect any poems out of me for now... I only make poems when someone ask me... xDD in this case, it's an assignment, teachers ask us to make these poems...