Random Apology Poems

These were ment to be funny. Most of them you won't get, but whatever.

Dear Libby
I’m sorry I distract you so
But our conversations rock
So not really
But a little

Dear Mrs. Moore
I’m sorry we can’t write clean poems
But you gotta admit
The ones we do write are very entertaining
Aren’t they?

Dear Dentist
I’m sorry I bit you
But you shouldn’t have put your fingers in my mouth
Especially after poking me with that needle
It hurt me more than it hurt you
That needle really hurt

Dear Teacher
I’m sorry I don’t do my homework
But I’m far too busy having a life

Jovi, my dear
I’m sorry you were cursed
With my brother for a father
But at least you get to have
Me as your aunt

Obviously, apology poems weren't my thing.