Preoccupation with inner conflictions.

Reality pushed me back to the ground, and to tell the truth I fell hard
The air is crushing my chest and it's bruising my lungs, but I don't care
There isn't an off switch to a heart, and to tell the truth I feel lost
The world has turned me, and changed me, but I don't care

Whatever happened to Friday night sleepovers,
Going trick or treating all around town with every kid you knew,
Playing tag at that playground across the street?
Seems like the world lost its childhood.

Has everything really hit such a low that nothing matters anymore?
Reality means truth, but all I see is fraud.
Take me back to my fantasy world!
I liked it better there,
I was happier there.
I felt real there.

You can stun me all you want to,
but I don't really care.
You can push me, crush me, bruise me,
but I don't really care.

It seems like everything is better in my head.