Wanting, Waiting, Wishing, And Washed Away

The wind rushing through my empty arms
Tells me you're not there.
We cease to be and never see
That maybe you don't care.
I shiver for an hour,
At you I'll stare and glower,
But deep inside there is no power.

I hold no hate, I hold no sadness.
My heart, it beams at your gladness.
You sell it well, but I can tell
That beneath that face not all is well.

You laugh and grin, but you're dead within.
You have new friends, to fill the space as the old ones end.
But we're still here.
Yes, we're still here

Anyone can wait forever, unless it's a never again.
Anything can last forever, until there's a bitter end.
Any heart can beat forever, but would you want it that way?
I think it might be better of if nothing stays.

It's imperfection, but your affection is my weakness.
And I'll keep it like this.
If you call to me I'll fall to thee.
When I rise, will you be there?
My heart is your refuge,
You I cannot refuse,
But still you confuse.

I am unstable, I am unwell.
I'm flying high, straight into hell.
But it won't be there, and nor will you,
And there's nothing we can do.

You burst with pride, you're a corpse inside.
More beautiful than ever, but you cannot decide
What you really want.
Is this what you want?