A litle girls tear stained face

this is a edited thingy of missing....

Tainted gray clouds clinging to the air above,

Directing unsure mourners to their lover’s unknown graves.

The foggy humid air clings to their clothes like unwanted lies.

These people these unbelieving people, sobbing not able to believe the truth of their lover’s deaths.

A little girl stands, near a grave with a dove lightly carved atop.

Engraved in it… her mother’s name, her father’s name. And also her big sisters name. Car collision.

Another grave calls out to her yet to be ignored by her tear stained face.

“Body missing. Car collision. Alex.”

It has been two years.
Yet still, the little girl waits atop her rooftop for her big brother to come home from the crash.

Her brother’s fragmented body waits in the sanctuary to be greeted by a little girls tear stained face.