Like I Love You

I thought that my heart had led you to the door.
I thought that my life had nothing to do with you.
I thought that everything would go back to the way it was
But now I know that I was never there.

You were the chapter, the before to the after.
You ignited the fire to start my life.
You brought me the pain.
And you showed me the love.
I can never go back
Because there's nothing left to go back to.

I lost bits of my heart as I scratched your spot off.
I didn't know you're spot was also deep down.
And my mind keeps whispering,
Telling me to get rid of you.

So I must dig a hole in my heart,
Get rid of the spots at the top,
When I get to the center,
I'll rip you away,

Then hope I still have a heart to start over with

You were the chapter, the before to the after.
You ignited the fire to start my life.
You brought me the pain.
And you showed me the love.
I can never go back
Because there's nothing left to go back to.

If I don't get rid of him now,
I won't be able to get rid of you
And if I don't get rid of you,
I won't be able to have him.

So I must get rid of the one I love
And the one I want to love
Then hope, just hope,
That I can love him
Like I love you....