Invisible Freedom

She talks with a voice of delicacy,
Fluent in the art of speech.
She speaks with gentleness to me,
But her hand is held just out of reach.

She wears a veil of trickery,
Her lies covered by convincing words.
She no longer listens to our pleas,
As if her soul has left us here.

She walks among the happy,
Not with men of bravery.
Her gift is that of safety,
But asks no price from the ones laughing.

We look at her with pride,
For she owns a face a peace.
But we never would have guessed she lied,
Until her presence was completely erased.

What lies beyond the borders of sanity?
She didn't know before her leave.
A wrapped up box with no goodbye,
Her exit softer than the tale she weaved.

Petals drift around the empty garden,
What the past holds is only sin.
I watch the sunset one last time,
Pondering over what could have been mine.

Alone, I wave a final goodbye,
For Freedom did not own her lie.
She prepared us for battles to come,
A victory that is sure to be won.

One day Freedom will return,
And she will bring much more to learn.
One day I will remember what she said,
But that day will be long after I'm dead.