The Tragedy of Love

My world is permanently shaded from the sunlight.
All logic fogged and distorted.
However my heart is at flight.

As a young girl, all I wanted was love.
I could be poor and unhealthy,
As long as I had his love to speak of.

Happiness is all I live to see.
Day after day I live and breathe,
Hoping one day he’ll come to me.

In my eyes, he has come.
Sadly, I doubt he sees it as I do.
My emotions are real, yet I can only feel numb.

I don’t need to say ‘I do’.
For those words mean nothing to me.
My heart is already given to you.

When you leave me, no mending will be done.
No tools could be used to fix the pain.
The rocks will pile up over my head, and another man will have won.

Is it so much to ask, to have someone by my side?
Will anyone ever take me before my death?
Will you be the one to provide?

And if I died tomorrow, would I have failed?
It would be as if I had stared passionately into Medusa’s eyes.
I gave my heart and I still couldn’t prevail.

I hand over my soul to the man in my life.
However, it will be of no surprise when he throws it away.
Just more blood to add to the knife.

The knife sits, protruding from my heart.
Constantly leaving blood to drip down my chest,
Until my King Arthur comes and rips it from the stone and gives me a fresh start.

All I feel is love when I look into his eyes.
No romance novel could come close to identifying such a feeling.
Yet I feel so stupid, since eventually his love for me will come to a demise.