Hidden Key

Blues so deep they always pull me in
To depths I didn’t know my soul could exist
But I’m falling fast, and you’re not ready to catch me
So this is my end, for a start, for a change
The cerulean eyes were just a lie, I shouldn’t
Believe in.

It’s in that smile, placed at just the right time
I was almost ready to give up
Until you gave me a possible sign
Acknowledged the chemistry
That runs between
Our bodies like

So I’m not the only one who sees this wearing
Down to the bone, breaking skin
Shedding blood over possibilities
Will you be the one to make me happy
Or the last pebble before I well over
And just fall apart?

Sound me out, I know we’re in different keys,
We don’t even share a clef
That damn middle C, she is your mistress
Who you hide behind, every time
I sing sharp
You’re dull around the edges

So together, we’re just a horrible scale
We go all over, the same notes repeat
Same voice, different name
We’re just an excuse for escape
A hidden redundancy
The reason I can’t catch sleep.