Currents Run Deep Under Still Water

Currents run deep under still water,
Rushing endlessly through the river.
You can never tell if they’re there.
The only way to tell is to go down there.
You can’t see them on the surface,
You aren’t supposed to read below the surface.
You don’t know how fast and low they run,
As many feet below us they stay hidden.
They twist and turn as they please,
The fish in them swimming about with ease.
The currents may be wide or narrow,
The fish are catfish and maybe a minnow.
They end only when they reach the ocean,
The place where they run together in confusion.
Then they end at once,
Ending their special dance.
♠ ♠ ♠
Facef value people, not feelings, which it could be related to. I was thinking about channel catfishing with my grandpa when I wrote this one!