He doesn't know

He doesn’t know how I feel when I say
I love you.
When I say it to him I say with all my heart
And that’s the truth.

When I tell him I love him
I don’t say to say it
I say cause I mean it

I wish he knew how I really felt
That I love him with all my heart
That there is no one else for me
But him

He’s the first guy I said I love you to
And really meant it

When he holds me I don’t want him to ever
Let go.
He doesn’t know that when he does hold me
For those brief moments I forget everything
I forget where I am and what’s going on in the world
I forget my troubles and my worries

I wonder how things would be if I told him
How I feel
That when I say “we’re best friends”
it kills me to say it
That no matter what he does I’ll
Still love him

He doesn’t know how I feel