
Loathed you
Despised you
Never ever thought of loving you
Miss you
Need you
Love you

Its amazing how time can change things.
Time changes the heart, situations, and people.
You can go from loathing someone
to loving them in time
Time brings people together
Hearts join as one
and love is made
all because of time
In time you watch people
enter your life, leave your life
In time you watch things turn
From enemies to best friends to lovers

In time....
People grow old
People grow together
People grow apart
Life is started
Life is ended
Dreams are made real
Dreams are crushed
Love happens
Love fades
Friendships are made
Friendships end
Bonds are formed
Bonds are broken

Time makes everything
Enjoy the time you have with someone
For you never know how long you
Have till time slips from your grasp
Love with all your heart
Laugh with all you have
Live life to the fullest