I Love You Stupid

When i play with your hair
I love to feel your touch
My feelings i want to bare
Cause i love you so much
When i call you names
Its the opposite of what i mean
My feeling will be the same
Hopefully they can be seen
When i laugh at you
My feelings will hide
Everything thats true
Is deep inside
When i say mean jokes
Thats not how its meant to be
When i give you pokes
I want you to discover the real me
When i see you smile
It brings me joy
It makes things all worth while
I am the happiest boy
When your angry or crying
I want you to feel my embrace
Seeing you that way leaves me sighing
I need to wipe those tears off your face
When you give me a hug for no reason
Oh man i tend to blush
Its like the world is changing seasons
But lets keep that hush hush
When i look away
It cause your too pretty to be seen
Your aura blinds my soft spot
So im not trying to be mean
When i laugh at you
Its out of love not fun
All my feelings are true
Wrapped up into one
How can you not know
That i love you more
In ways i do show
My hearts at your door
So please realise that i care
And open my lid
You have to guess please be fair
I love you stupid