
There are somethings we feel but never say,

But now its time to give it all away.

With you, i walk on this road with no end,

You're by my side in every obstacle and bend.

Even if you're far, you never leave me,

You've always been with me,as far back as I can see.

Through moments of hurt, through times of pain,

You made me hope when I thought I never would again.

You blocked out the voices that seemed to slow me down,

In your company, solace was always found.

When all others could offer me was empty words and a pitiful glance,

You helped me up, told me to take that chance.

I can't imagine how my life without you would be,

Part of my life?No, You're a part of me.

♠ ♠ ♠
just wanted to let my friends know how much they mean to me....
i love you and im never gonna leave you..however tired of me you may be!