A Touch of Help- please read and comment!!

Reluctantly sitting there, you sit quietly and stare
Studying movements and emotions, gentle eyes suddenly harden
I wonder often,
What have I done?
Were you jealous because you weren’t his number one?

Looking forward to his presence we both sit and watch
His gentle graze across the hardwood floors
If he had to fight in the battles
He would win all the wars

If he had to fly, then he would never die
It would be so wonderful to see him in the sky
For he was sent from God, for many different reasons
But there is one reason that applies to me

That is love
A pure feeling that you get with that one special person in your life
Could it be?
That someone in my life just might be loving me?
Just because I am who I am, He loves me for that

He loves everybody for He put everybody here
Only He knows what we all need and when we need it
He knows who we are going to love and who we are going to lose
Sometimes only He is what knows best for us

Yes He is the heavenly father of all human beings
He who guides us to be the best we can be
The one who believes in us when no one else does?
He is the one we should forever and always be faithful to
He is OUR God!