How could it be?

Huh this is new,
like the ocean without the blue.

He chose her over me?
How could that be?

I was always there,
She has taken what was fair.

For my friend he could no longer be,
so said she-_-*

And what angers me the most is he listen to her.
When she gives him her worst.

I listened when it hurt.
I was there for the worst.

When she hurt him,
we would talk hours on end.

Now i am asking myself why
I listened to her lies,
but why,
when All i wanted to do was cry.

She has taken away my only hope
Because for him she puts on a show.

A show of love,ecstasy,and kindness.
But in the end she will leave him dying.

All the while i will stop and stare,
Because for him i will share,
the only thing that remains.
His sorrowful shame.
♠ ♠ ♠
ahh i guess a tale of some one being my friend and then his controlling gf saying he cant when the only reason she did was because she could..