348 Days

Staring through the blinds at 11:56 PM
Pondering why this feeling won't float away
Watching him flail around so helplessly...

Yesterday was the day I heard she won't make it
In thirteen days I'll hear her story again
Standing six feet above her and I still don't believe it
She was ok, just four years ago....

Time drags by in those moments when the little things hurt
Yet looking back, I wonder where it all went
from age six with that man walking away
And that rainy day that washed it all down in its waves.

Last night, a woman cried trying to keep secret
But I could still hear her, her strength only skin deep
And when she cries, so do I
Even though I can't cry on my own.

Tell my why when I look in the sky, in the sand, in the water
The letter "N" is all I can see
Why there's that dull but never ending ache
And I hear all those empty words...

12:07 the stars moved half an inch
Clouds cover up that brightest one
Is that star still even alive?
Maybe it died 348 days ago when she did
And its distant light just hasn't depleted yet.

Distant noises, shady people
When a car goes by so late I wonder why,
What could they have been doing, what adventure?
Take me with them.

12:11, my music has stopped
90 minutes past bedtime...
I kiss that maybe dead star goodnight
Leaving my thoughts resting on its 348 day old rays of light
Sleepin as if my dreams meant something.