Unplanned Heartbreak

Mind fluttering with outcomes.
Never thought it'd end up like this.
My brain will be splattered on the floor.
You'll know why. You'll be the reason why.
You'll be my forever and ever.

Frowns on our faces.
Awkward silence enters.
No. This wasn't what was planned.

My finger's on the trigger.
My heart.
So fast. So quick.

No more pain please.
Don't make me beg.

You smile.
Don't make me love you anymore.
My heart can't take it.

Heavy breathing.
My fingers ache.

I want peace of mind.
I don't want his face in my mind.
Face full of disgust.
Disgusted by me.
By my love.

I cry out.
Punches hit the wall.
Screams echo.
Tears pour down.

You'll find someone soon.
Don't lie to me.

I gulp.
Close my eyes.
Breathe for my last time.

Trigger is finally pulled.
I'm yours still.
Forever and ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not really personaly; just a story that quickly went in my head. It's my first song, so bare with me and my not-so-good skills.