I miss you

I imagine you won't read this,
I doubt you ever do.
You don't care,
You know it's true.

We never talk,
Just you and me,
You make excuses,
All in all, you lie to me.

I miss our talks,
The kind nobody else can have,
(With me anyway,
Our talks were different then that.)

I miss your ever soft touch,
Which made me laugh,
Because even with that soft touch,
My skin would turn bright red.

I miss how I told you I hated my life,
You said "It's totally normal,
Most kids your age think so,"
I can just picture you smiling at that.

You said once "I hate my glasses"
But I love them.
They bring out the best in you,
Or at least the you I knew.

But somehow you've changed,
I'm not sure for better,
Or worse.
But the change is there, that's for sure.

Glasses: Gone

Smile: Replaced

Touch: No longer around

Our talks: Disappeared

I hope you read this,
Though I doubt you ever will,
Cuz I want you to know,
That I love you...and always will.