Forever Never

i'm gone, lost out my open window
but what i see can never be

i'm wishing on a shooting star
one that will never strike, just burn to dust and crumble away only leaving my hopes and dreams behind

there's nothing wrong with me,
i just sit and dream and hope to be
someone else far from here locked in a dark room and swallow the key
i'm safer alone, no one to hurt me, to let me fall
just let me, be why don't you see why can't you do what i need you to
let me be and don't try and help

i'm cold inside and i can't find a match to light my fire
the only things i want are the ones i can't have

i'm empty
i can't fly
i don't smile
i only cry

stuck in the middle like a rock in a stream
slowly drowning from the constant pressure

i don't try
i don't believe it

comments? first ever thing ive posted.. not very good but i scribbled in my notebook in math today and decided to post =]