Thoughts I hide

I hate them all
I wish it would just end
I just can't find the end to this fall
How long can I last with just my friends?

They make me wish to die
This place is full of people who don't give a fuck
I'm ready to break down and cry
Seriously why does my life suck?

I cut myself to relieve my pain
They don't seem to see
I've fought my hardest but it just caused my energy to drain
She never sees that her words hurt me

Her words are still sharper than the razor I press to my skin
I can never please her
Why was I her kin?
I can no longer stand the constant pressure

I hide to protect myself
If the pain is seen it'll consume me
What can one do to help oneself?
My choices are so simple: die or flee

The options are easy
Yet life keeps me from choosing one
Her yelling makes me queasy
Someone help me because I know her screams will never be done
♠ ♠ ♠
um yea another poem that was during my depressed state... i don't do that shit anymore so don't worry ^^