To my life preserver

You're the person that I trust
even when I'm not sure

I'm lost, but you're slowly
turning me back

You're the one I called
when I just needed to hear someone's voice

You're the one I've always known.
even when I'm not sure of myself

You pulled me through
when you didn't know I'd fallen

You gave me hope
when you didn't know just how far gone I was

(because no one really does)

You've held me when I was weak
and told me it would all be okay

You've always been the one
I know is here to stay

You've always been at my side
with just the right words to say

I'll never forget all you've done

I'll always remember the fun

I know you'll be the one I call
when I finally learn to fall

to fall and love and trust

myself and those around me

Today's the day I take a stand

Today it's only me

I'll look into in the mirror
and finally be happy with what I see.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is dedicated to a very special person that I know I wouldn't be alive without. I don't know what I'd do without you, and if you don't know who you are then you do now. :)
I actually wrote this about a year ago, but I thought that now would be a good time to put this out there.
rated for suggestive themes and depressing(ness)