
The sun sets
Its' orange, pink and purple glow races the sky
Twilight is falling
Someone sits on a lone hill
A person without a friend
She sits among a patch of daisies
Bathed in the setting suns' rays
She has no one to share these moments
The beach is below her
Its' sand warm
Its' water cold
The sun now sits on the waters horison
Its' glow colors the water
Twilight is near
Out in the distance someone walks alone
Hands in his pockets
He watches the sun fall
Bathing him in orange
She stands and runs to him
Stoping only a few paces away
He looks at her and smiles
She laughs and skips backwards
He chases her
Down the beach
While twilight draws to an end
Only a sliver of the sun can be seen
The stars come alive
Shining like thousands of diamonds
No moon is visible
The girl that had no friend grabs the boys' hand
She now has a playmate
Someone to talk to
Someone to confort her
The boy now has a friend
Someone to eleminate his emptyness
To make his one, two
Twilight is their time
You can go to the beach and watch
As two friends chase each other across the length of the beach
Water splashing their bare feet
The two laugh and play
But when darkness falls
And twilight is no more
They leave each other
Till twilight falls again