
I open the door to find a beautiful beach.
A beach where it's peaceful.
No one in sight.
The sand so fresh and perfect.
A sunset so warm and beautiful.
With its orange, red and yellow rays hitting the surface.
So peaceful and quiet.
I take off my shoes,
And go to the shore.
Feeling the warm water hitting my feet.
As I close my eyes,
The scene changes.
To a forest of Sakura trees.
Along the path,
Different flowers
All shapes, size and colors.
Tulips, roses, carnations and daisies.
I open my eyes to see another breathe taking scene.
I walk down the path seeing so many flowers and trees.
While I walk down the path,
Sakura pedals are falling around me.
Falling lightly on the ground,
Making a pink path for me.
As I walk more,
I see a meadow.
A meadow so full of Sakura pedals.
And so many thorn less roses, and tulips.
I find a spot in the middle of the meadow
To lay my head to rest.
Memorizing the breathe taking scene.
As I close my eyes smelling the fresh scent of flowers,
The scene changes.
A forest.
Full of orange, yellow, red, and brown leaves.
I open my eyes
Seeing a blanket of leaves on top of me.
I get up
And hear the leaves crunch under my feet.
Memorized by the color,
I look around to see all the pink pedals turn into
Colorful leaves.
I close my eyes
And spin around while the leaves fall down.
Feeling a lot cozy,
I open my eyes,
Seeing a blanket of snow.
Snow is falling down so quietly.
I walk down a path
Hearing no sound.
All a sudden,
I slip on ice and hit my head.
I suddenly get up,
Looking around
Still dark and in my bed.
Telling myself,
"It was all a dream."