The Tide

Fake the smile that keeps you from suspecting
That I have any real emotions anymore
No tears because my problems aren’t worth them
No one to talk to because my life isn’t ruined enough
Just the feeling of losing my life
The life where I used to be a part of something
But people separate like water, even when their joined
It’s never enough to keep them from drifting,
From becoming something they once hated,
While I stay in the same spot gasping for breath,
Beneath the tides of changing friends

I think I’ve found the shore
A place where the sand keeps me warm during the day
But the tide seems to always comeback
I can swim through the calm, relax,
Watch what happens in everyone’s life,
And to feel the stability of it all
And I can still see the sand at the very bottom,
Not quite able to reach, no matter how far deep I go
I crave that kind of stability, the kind that water can never give me
The ocean doesn’t stay calm forever
Eventually there has to be swell for those who are unattached
Who can float above anything, and move along without getting caught in a wave
But that’s not me
I’m the one drowning, who hasn’t quite learned to swim through the tide
♠ ♠ ♠
im not used to writting fomral poetry or anything, just kinda wat i rote here. it may not be the best since so far one persons read it but here it is :)