Influence Pill

An ocean is full of a thousand different creatures
The earth, with so very few preachers
We all just follow
Staring with attention so hollow
Nothing is true here
And you could shed a single tear
No one would care
Because its all just fair
Life free of all good quality
Never let us be what we want to be
Set backs everywhere
Not letting us get there
Keeping us from achieving
Keeping us from leaving
People think they have free will
But have been unknowingly been taking the influence pill
Life is just a constant war
Our insides fighting for something more
Something we cannot experience
Because influence is keeping us dense
So little ever experience their calling
Usually most just spend their lives falling
And reaching
Looking for some kind of teacher
A high knowledge
Hoping they can one day get to college
Some will fail
Desires, getting lost in the mail
But for most they get there
Even if they don't know where
But they'll never get to go for the kill
If they continue taking the influence pill
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem means a lot to me.....
Its my real opinion on the matter, not just an emotion I have imprinted from something else.