Oh, the Heartache It Inevitably Brings

Oh, The Heartache It Inevitably Brings

Cut my feathers, I never want to fly again. The sun has
scorched me one last time now. No more, no more I say!
The ground has kissed my being sour, I don’t want it.
Do not cocoon this heart in lies; time is not a band aid.

Tie up my emotions and adorn my soul with chains
so that I never will be able to take off. It simply is not
worth the fall. I am too battered and too broken to
take another blow, I simply will not heal anymore.

Traitorous sentiment, how I shun thee. I cannot stand
your promises. They turn to lies, they turn to ache.
So deep, the wounds that never heal. And I cannot
take one more to my collection; the feeling is unbearable.

The taste of bittersweet essences you brought to me
proved to be acid once I let it in. Yet it is very
addicting. And we are too easily duped by promises
of happy ever after, naïve regardless of all our burns.

It makes me wonder, if I am drastic enough. Perhaps I
should pull my feathers one by one. Just to make sure.
My memory tends to fade in time, erasing the tears.
And soon this infantile heart will trip over itself again.

Copyright © 2007