
Yes, those are the streaks that tears left on my cheeks.
You did this to me. I know you know.
My happiness is gone.
It left with your heart, vanished as spring turned to summer and summer turned to autumn.
Vanished as the snow began to fall.

But don't worry, I've moved on.

I found someone else to fill the empty space you left.
To fill it up with happiness.
Real happiness.
The happiness that makes you want to lay in the grass and stare up at the sky and find pictures in the clouds.

You could never make me want to do that.
But I did anyways so I wouldn't forget what happiness is.
Real happiness.
That's something I never saw with you.
You never made me want to paint or make caramel or run around in the sprinkler in my new bikini or dye flowers crazy colors or dye myself crazy colors.
But I did anyways, you know, to keep up the ritual.
I did everything I didn't want to do.
I enjoyed it.
I savored it.

Thank you. You showed me the way.