Another Chance

This world will never be, what I expected
No one is left alone, no one protected
I stand alone, by myself shrouded
My point of view, by him is clouded
Everything he says to me
And everything about him I see
In my mind he’s in my thoughts
He’s the one I think of lots
I hope one day he’ll understand the truth
That for him I’d fight, claw and tooth
He was only mind for a while
But at that time my mind soared away a mile
After a moment, the world went on
And a mask of joy I was forced to don
Just to get by in daily life
Without any unnecessary strife
I hope I get another chance to make this work
That wish behind my every word does lurk
I know someday my chance will come
Until that day, my heart feels numb
I’m alert, waiting for the joyful words
From my heart, fly then golden birds (no, I couldn’t think of a better rhyme than birds.)
Love, trust, joy so true
That never again need I feel blue
♠ ♠ ♠
Jayden... don't break people's hearts by dating them for fifteen minutes before remembering that you started dating this random guy a few hours ago. Bastard (on the plus your ex's a sweetie