Little Angels

What have we become?
But creatures of sin who wander about
committing acts that we who were once young
would leak tears from their eyes in shame and regret.

Do not fear, little ones.
This is not your fault, but ours.
For many a mistake we have made
in this forsaken world.

No longer shall you fear, little angels.
Prolong your dreams of worlds that give you
only sweet things to hold onto. Else your lives shall become
drought with misery and lonliness.

How we wish to return to you.
Thy former self who is still so innocent
and does not know the horrors of this place.
Our ears are enamour'd of the former promise of frolic.

How lost is humanity!
Hearts lie broken and torn
as they are trampled by scorned lovers
and revenge seeking fools.

The little angels doth weep.
Mine eye is apalled by this
as souls are darkened by hatred
and these creatures of sin we become.

But what can we do?
What's done is done
and we must face our little ones
while the tears now leak from our eyes.

Little angels, our apology is yours.
Forgive us for what we have set as your future
and wakst from this nightmare which we have trapped you within,
takst delight in the knowledge that nought has come ill to you yet.

Feedback would be nice. :)