I Wanna Fly

People in love get everything wrong
People with hope mistake it all
People who fall can't always be caught
People with dreams watch them be crushed
People like me just want to die

The rain taps on the window panes
Perfect weather for how I feel
Too bad it cleared up yesterday
The sun mocks me with its joy
I can't even remember when I loved the sun
It's all melted together into abyss

Not that I blame you or nothing
Not that you'll ever know I'm crying
Well unless you read this
But you won't know it's about you
That's cool I guess
Not your problem
It's fine, I'm fine

The words you used were really nice
And if I close my eyes I guess they can be mine
But then I know they're her's
I feel bad for trying to take them
I'm sure she's a real lovely girl
You love her so she must be

And I just want to leave it all behind
Start a new in a place where heart ache never knew
Maybe some fanflippingtastic boy'll kiss me
Maybe he'll love me in the way you never did
Or maybe not
I don't have the courage to leave
It's cold outside and I'd perfer not to die cold
I hate the cold and I'm already so cold as it is
I think I'd rather be dead
But I'd hate to die cold or in pain
Had enought of that thanks.

Note: My loved readers have requested that I use less of my beloved commas so I used none. Hope you like it, it was horrible to leave them out D=