
today I saw her
I saw her being seen
I was so happy
to see her
being seen
but--forgive me--
I did not see her
seeing herself
being seen
she is so afraid to see
into those eyes that see her
though, I know, she feels
those eyes on her
she does not turn around
she is too frightened
of seeing
of drowning
in that gaze
but I do hope that someday
she sees

today he saw me
just like he sees me
everyday, I think
he sees me and
I see him seeing me
but it is bittersweet
because I do not
see him
no matter how hard
I look
no matter how much
I want to
I just don't
And it saddens me
I do hope that someday
I will see

today I saw you
I saw you
not even expecting--this time
to be seen seeing
let alone
for you to see me
and now I know
you only ever looked
never really saw
and I know
there are plenty of other people
that I should be looking at
but all I want
is to be able to
close my eyes
'cause when I open them
--at least for now--
all I see is you
do I dare to hope
that someday
you see me too