Hallowed Day Of Hearts

Confetti and paper cards
Sickly sweet candy and wilting flowers
Empty words and forgotten promises
The hallowed day of hearts
So fake

Love is a lost cause for you
Your heart will wilt like the flowers he gave you
The pretty pink roses
The ones he thrust into your hands
So that he could thrust into you later
Love is wasted on you

I hope and I pray
You’ll find someone who’s true
Someone who makes you float on air
Because this is real

When you can’t breathe unless it’s his essence
When you could spend a lifetime in his arms
Not when you can’t get him out of your mind
But when you don’t ever want him to leave it

His kisses make you feel like you could touch the sky
And if you only ask
He would give you the world
He makes you feel invincible
He gives you faith that the sun will rise for tomorrow

On the hallowed day of hearts
You won’t need the reds and pinks and whites
No silly songs
No crushed cards
No stale sweets

On the hallowed day of hearts
You don’t care what trinkets he gives you
So long as you have his love
Just this perfect case of she and he

Your heart is real
This love is right
You and him
Forever tonight

Please, Comment
i tried something new and it would be nice to know if i failed or not <3 <3 <3