Timelines and Rhetorical Questions

When will you come for me?
Do I ask too much for a knight or prince
to come to me gallant?
When will I fall for you
Do I ask too much of you
too soon?
I wait.....
and wait....


Anticipation kills,
and my anticipation for you had killed me
several times over.
Am I looking for too much?
Do I set my standards too high
for any man to reach?

Will you disappoint me?
Will I have to give you second chance?
Will I get hurt?

Love is patient.
Love is kind.
Love endures all things.


But the anticipation is killer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, can you tell from my poems what i am struggling with right now? Take a wild guess.... did you guess love? congrats, you got it! :) wasn't that hard. let me know what you think! any and all comments are welcome!