The Love That We Got

As you speak,
I was looking into your eyes.
Oh, how I love the way it sparks.
When you smile,
I enclosed my heart
For me not to fade away
But it’s too late now
Your smile, your eyes, your voice,
Had already invaded my heart.

When you walk, you know,
You really got me.
My heart has been touched,
The moment I saw you.
You enter our class
And I was jaw dropped.
It’s as if I became deaf
‘Coz you’re the only one I’m hearing.

Oh, it feels like I’m in the middle
Of all this commotions
And even though it’s crowded out here,
It seems that were the only persons
In this room.

No one can understand us
They can’t read our minds
For they didn’t know
What it feels like
Falling in love with you
For no one can ever snap us out
From this secret world
That the two of us only share
And nothing can make us
Change our minds

We will ignore those oppositions
And we will hold hands together
Swiftly passing those circumstances
For this thing ain't something
It is everything
For this everything
Is what we are feeling
Deep inside our hearts it will blasts
And it’s power can withstand
Those hindrances in our Love!