
Inspiration sometimes just comes like
A vast waterfall, always, always, always
And constantly flowing and flowing and flowing
Wildly like there's not enough paper, and
Time. Time spears me no thought
When I get this idea, this
Brilliant story line, I can get it
Walking down the street, passing the stores. Who
Was here? And with whom? What
Did they want? It’s like a hawk who
Who takes my mind, that's full, full, full
'Till it's about to explode, the fascinating
Colors, it leaks like a rainbow pouring its colors to
The world. It wavers as it flies far, far, far
Away. Trying to reach my dreams where
Every tree is made of purple leaves and the
Roads are paved with yellow marbles and
The ocean is as clear as a mirror and
It floats on the sky, sky, sky. I
Should call it my Sky Sky Paradise. The hawk
Brings the Sky Sky People to Sky
Sky Paradise and they ride in my mind, mind,
Mind Express. The population
Of Sky Sky People grows everyday and
And I have to make more, more
More Sky Sky Paradises’ But
My hawk grows tired, it is
After all my transportation. Inspiration,
Sometime always fall short and the race
Of Sky Sky People will
Eventually die, die, die
Off. My fuel of inspiration
Is cut off like putting a dam in front
Of this flowing waterfall, yet I
Won't give up because these are my
People who I created, who live
In my dreams these people who are
As I made them to be. Like
How He made us to be who we are. Like
Mr. Fahey's pink car nation which in
That all the world is made of
Pink cars. Some times
The color just seems to leak out like
An ever going rainbow and I
Just can't find that plug, and my
Inspiration keeps leak, leak,
Leaking. But I'll stand strong and Sky
Sky People will keep, keep
Going. And they will keep prospering
Like little cockroaches when the sun gives way