
It's so hard to think when there’s so much screaming
so hard to see with all this deceiving
my heart will one day shatter, and no one will help me
pick up the pieces and glue them together.
you think you know someone but it turns out your wrong
no more poem no more song
the note just ends on a string of barbed wire
and no one will touch me again...
this is what I asked for right?
how come I can be so blind?
stupid shit about heart and mind
either way no one is happy.
you hurt until you feel no pain,
so maybe I'll shut myself out again.
Here's to me and my pathetic life
I try so hard,
but what have I done?
fucked things up way more than they were
is this all part of a learning curb?
And what is true love may I ask?
what do we live to find in the end?
A light out of the tunnel, or dead roses on a grave?
And what I do, is it worth what i gain?
or is everything a fifty, fifty chance game.
Here’s to Hearts that bleed tears of pain
don't we wish it would all wash away in the rain.
and where do I go from here?
with only me besides,
for certainly no one can abide...

my path is undecided.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was a time in my life when I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years for a fling that ended up beign absolutely nothing.