
Part 1.
even though her tears don't fall
shes hurting inside

she tries to ignore the pain
but its too strong

the only way to let it all go
is through her rusted blade

but she made a promise
to her now dead friend

she wasn't going to cut
but today it wasn't the same

shes been holding everything in
with no means of letting it go

today everything came crashing down
everything she was holding inside
it all blew up in her face

she didn't know what to do
the person she told everything
killed himself

she was alone in this world
alone in life, and alone in her home

shes done with trying
she doesn't care

this skin she lived in
this body
it wasn't hers

everything she was told
everything she believed
it was all a lie

and now shes going to end it
she was tired
she was done she was going to die

with one last look
at this world and her life

she walked to her room
she picked up her blade
she went to the bathroom
and opened her veins

she laid in the bathtub
and watched her blood flow

her eyes started closing
as her life ebbed away

Part 2.
her best friend found her
her first love, her first friend
the first person that cared
the only one

he was to late
he was going to tell her

that he loved her
and would always protect her

they may have known each other
for merely a week
but his love for her
was growing deep

he wanted to save her
he wanted to give her a reason

to fight for her life
to not give up

so he thought
he was too late
he blamed himself

she died because of him
it was his fault
he should have ran faster
he should have told her earlier

he called the cops
they couldn't save her
he knew she was gone

his love, his life, his soul
it was gone
it left with her
♠ ♠ ♠
in this poem, im the guy and the chick is a friend that commited suicide
