
I started out as a kindly man,
Or so I’d like to think,
I tried to be generous, upstanding and good,
But my heart began to sink.

For as long as I can remember,
People did not like me,
They spurned my charity with scowling faces,
For no reason that I could see.

So my soul began to blacken,
I did not notice at first,
But I was gripped by hatred, rage and wrath,
And my boiling anger burst.

I hated the world that had snubbed me,
I wanted to burn it down,
Then they’d regret the cruelty they’d done,
In a lake of remorse they’d drown.

When the rest of the world was dead and gone,
No one would betray my trust,
I’d be at peace in merciful solitude,
Alone in my empire of ashes and dust.