about me.

I'm either called by tha name Kim, or Kimmy, which ever is fine. I was born on September 8th. So, I'm only fourteen. Please, don't ask me if I'm a chick or guy, i get that way to much these days, and truly, its not that hard to figure out that I'm a chick. I love my friends, and music, like almost every teenager in this world. I believe hugs are tha best thing someone can give, long and tight. :D I'm a pretty laid back kid, I'm usually not hyper and loud, although, my friends are. <3 I'm probably one of tha shyest kids you'll ever meet, but I get adjusted to you after a while. I'm currently taken, and its gunna stay that way, i love her too much to ever let her leave again.<3 If you havent figured out from above, I'm bisexual, if you don't like it, well deal with it, its apart of tha world. I don't open up to you easily, but when or if I do, that means I trust you. I usually wait for things to fall into place, I usually wait too long, and if they don't, they don't. I also think things out, over, or threw way too much. I'm put down alot, and often put myself down because of it. uhm, i hate being tan, it bothers me, and i look weird. I'm in tha middle of writing my own story and i cant seem to finish any idea i start. It's true that i don't even know what my natural hair color looks like anymore. uhm, I'm defiantly a night person, I could sleep tha whole day, ask anyone. wanna know tha full story? i love making new friends. :)<br />