Inject Poison, Out Comes Love.

No matter what I always come back to you,
Ripping my heart gently in two,
Always gently,
Ever so gently,
You keep me alive and rip me apart,
I tried everything but nothing gets me high like you do,
I'd love to say I hate you but I can't find it in my being to say goodbye,
Without you I don't feel alive,
Just one pin prick,
Just one shot,
Just one injection that helps me fight,
This fight I've fought through all my life,
It's all because of you,
Yet I can't help but say I love you,
Will you let me die today?
Or keep me alive for another?
I can't tell anymore your not like any other,
So addicting,
So crave-able,
So hateful,
I inject hate and love like no other,
You make me feel,
You make me steal,
You make me cry,
You make me deal,
Dealing with this agony I hold deep inside,
My feelings for you will stay alive,
I don't think it's my choice anymore,
To love or to hate what I've become,
So I inject this poison,
Out comes love,
Floating ever so gently in the air like a dove,
Filled with smoke,
But it's gently,
Ever so gently,
You make me rot.